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Blähton: Was ist das und wofür wird dieses Produkt verwendet?


The type of substrate you use is one of the multiple factors to take into consideration if you want your crop to thrive.

There are all kinds of substrates and other products on the market for us to use! But today, we are going to be talking about one of the most highly recommended: arlite.

What is arlite and what is it for?

You may have heard arlite be referred to as “expanded clay”. This is because it is produced from clay, after the clay is exposed to extremely high temperatures (1,000°C).

When clay is exposed to such extreme heat, it expands, causing its density to reduce and making it lighter and easier to manipulate. The result are small red or brown colored pellets. They don’t seem much, but they are really useful!

Arlite for plants is mainly used to improve root health and to encourage growth.

It can be used with different growing systems, but it is most commonly seen with hydroponic growing, as it can retain moisture and all the nutrients needed for a plant to grow.

Arlite for marijuana plants

The equation is a simple one. If arlite is good for hydroponic growing, which is a system preferred by a lot of marijuana producers, then arlite is ideal for cannabis!

It is also really simple to use. It is placed in a tray or container with water, and the plants are put on top. This means the roots can absorb all of the nutrients and moisture that they need.

Benefits of growing marijuana in arlite.

This year we are celebrating Smoking Paper’s centenary year and over this time we have found out that every consumer has their own preferences when it comes to choosing their rolling papers.

When asked, they never compare, they just choose the type of paper that they feel is most beneficial or by how it makes them feel. The same is true with arlite.

For some people, it is an essential part of their marijuana crop (and other plant crops too). There is no point comparing it with other alternatives, just seeing its benefits is enough to convince most people:

  • It improves ventilation: arlite prevents soil compaction, as the shape of the pellets creates spaces for airflow. This is a key factor when it comes to root health.
  • It encourages root growth: it helps to produce strong and healthy roots, which is the best possible foundation for a crop to be successful.
  • It helps with drainage: arlite is a drainer, meaning that it prevents water accumulating around the roots of the plant, which can cause rotting.
  • It retains moisture: this is one of its best features, especially during hot spells, as high temperatures can lead to more evaporation from the soil and affect the crop.
  • It prevents weeds: specifically, it stops them from appearing, allowing the plant to grow without any trouble.

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